Parents’ & Students Code of Conduct

For the enjoyment of all members the following code of conduct is expected to be followed by ALL parents/guardians as well as students:

  • Develop an appropriate and supportive relationship with both the center manager and their child based on mutual respect and understanding
  • Applaud the opposition as well as your own team.  Show them respect; without them there’d be no game
  • Emphasize the importance of striving to win, not winning itself. Praise effort and performance more than results
  • Display high standards of behavior
  • Offer plenty of support and positive encouragement towards all students during games and competitions
  • Ensure that all students are dressed appropriately as specified by the Academy. Failure to wear the right complete kits and color may result to benching the student.
  • Inform the center manager if a child cannot attend training or match days and make every effort to arrive on time
  • Direct all complaints in respect of running a game to the center manager. It is not acceptable for individuals to take matters into their own hands
  • Raise all issues through the appropriate channels, please talk to the Center Manager if you disagree with an official or umpire rather than questioning the official’s judgement and honesty in public.
  • Remember that these officials give their time and effort for your child’s involvement and development
  • Ensure that your child/ward is picked up not later than 30 minutes after sessions end. Failure to do so will attract a N1,000 fine per child for every 30 minutes spent after that.


Coaches are Coaches. Parents are Parents:

  • Avoid coaching during training and matches
  • Desist from shouting and screaming at students during trainings or matches
  • Desist from using profane language or harassing physically or verbally young students, managers, coaches, match officials or other parents
  • Respect all officials’ decisions. New and young officials should be encouraged and supported
  • Respect the decisions and team selection of the coaches. These are the sole responsibility of the coaches, whose decisions are final
  • Remain on the stands during games or as directed by the officials. NOT to enter training ground at any time other than requested to do so by the official
  • Agree to abide by CitySport League’s rules as communicated, listed on the website and in the information booklet and operations manual



These are the set of rules that all students must abide by in the discharge of their duties, both on and off the field of play at the CitySports School activities.


  • I will play by the rules of the game, and in the spirit of the game.
  • I will show respect always to all coaches, all referees, all students, all spectators, and all officials.
  • I will control my temper. I will not fight or use foul or abusive language or inappropriate gestures.
  • I will be a committed team member.
  • I know that winning isn’t everything – having fun, playing fair, improving my skills, making friends and doing my best are all important.
  • I understand that Coaches are there to coach and to improve my behavior.
  • If I am found to be behaving badly, my coach is permitted to remove me from the game/match.
  • I will not take part in any form of bullying, either to an opposing student or to a member on my team. Bullying in any form will not be tolerated.


  Games & Practices

  • I recognize that practices are not more important than games and games are equally important.
  • I will arrive at the field before practices and games according to the standards set by my team Coach.
  • If I cannot make a game or practice, I will notify the team Coach at least 48 hours in advance so that arrangements for substitutes can be made.
  • I realize that students who attend practices may get priority in the game starting line-up. Starting line-ups are based on several factors including attendance at practices, student’s position, effort, attitude and so on.
  • I realize that playing time is not always going to be equal despite my coaches attempt to equalize.
  • I will leave all venues as neat and tidy as I found them and will remove all refuse from my area.
  • I will play for the “fun of it” and not just to please parents and coaches.

  My Uniform

  • I will take good care of my uniform and wear it only on game days.
  • I will ensure my jersey is always tucked in as required by the laws of the game.
  • I will wear shin guards, socks, appropriate footwear, and bring my own water bottle to all games and practices.
  • At practices, I will only wear approved attire as determined by the coach or otherwise be prepared to face any sanctions.


  • I recognize that the team coach will handle infractions/violations that occur at times other than during a game.
  • I recognize that infractions that occur during the game are governed by the Laws of the Game and will be decided by the Referee. The result may be a Caution or Dismissal, in which case there may also be further action, including suspensions or fines, by the league discipline committee.
  • I am prepared to take full responsibilities of my actions or inactions.
  • Long and dirty nails won’t be allowed. Make sure to clean and cut your nails very short


If for any reason the Code of Conduct is not followed by the student, any [one or more] of the following steps may be taken by the coach or the Club:

  • Reduce the playing time of the student; and/or
  • Suspend the student for some time
  • Remove the child from the team.